Miguel Gaston Cedillo-Campos as Senior Researcher of the Mexican Institute of Research (IMT) is leading the National Center for Innovation in Intermodal Transportation and Logistics of Mexico, a National Center for Excellence integrated by the nine leading supply chain research labs in Mexico and located at IMT Research Campus. At the same time, is the Technical Director of the National Laboratory in Transport Systems and Logistics. Dr. Cedillo-Campos is a Visiting Professor in Logistics and Supply Chain at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, National Researcher of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), National Logistics Award 2012 and Technology Innovation Award 2012 (Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon). From a professional perspective, Dr. Cedillo counts with 20 years of experience in the field of research, consulting and implementation of technological solutions for logistics, transportation and supply chain. Dr. Cedillo is a regular speaker for industrial engineering, logistics and supply chain conferences. Currently, he participates extensively in several logistics projects for global companies.

Dr. Cedillo-Campos is the Founding current President of the Mexican Logistics and Supply Chain Association (AML) and Founder and Partner of YoLogistico.COM, a tech based start-up in logistics knowledge manegement. In 2004, he received a Ph.D. in Logistics Systems Dynamics from the University of Paris, France. Recently, he was collaborating as Visiting Researcher at Zaragoza Logistics Center. At the Mexican Institute of Transportation (a research center that belongs to the Mexican Department of Transportation) he is a researcher in logistics systems analysis and modeling, risk analysis, and supply chain management, which are the subjects he teaches in different prestigious universities in Mexico, Spain, France, Colombia, Panama, and Chili. Dr. Cedillo is the Scientific Chairman of the International Congress on Logistics and Supply Chain (CiLOG) organized by the Mexican Institute of Transportation (IMT) in partnership with the Mexican Logistics and Supply Chain Association (AML).

Professor Cedillo-Campos has consulted for government agencies and leading manufacturing, retail and transportation enterprises located in Latin America. He is also an active entrepreneur, having founded and co-founded three successful technology based organizations:
  • Supply Chain and Development Research Center (CiDeCS) at Tecnológico de Monterrey;
  • Mexican Logistics & Supply Chain Association (AML);
  • YoLogistico.COM
He is the author of several scientific publications in top journals as Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Computers in Industry among others. Dr. Cedillo is a regular speaker at industrial engineering and logistics conferences and has also been an invited speaker on issues in supply chain in USA, Panama, Colombia, France and Spain.