• CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M., LIZARRAGA-LIZARRAGA, G. & MARTNER PEYRELONGUE, C. (2015). MiF3 method: Measurement of Intermodal Fluidity Freight Flows. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, (under review).
  • CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M., & CEDILLO-CAMPOS, H. (2015). w@reRISK Method: A Tool for Security Risk Level Classification of Products. Safety Science, Volume 79, November 2015, Pages 358–368.
  • CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M., SANCHEZ, C., VADALI, S., VILLA, J. & MENEZES, M. (2014). Supply chain dynamics and the “cross-border effect”: The U.S.–Mexican border’s case. Computers and Industrial Engineering, Elsevier, Volume 72, June, Pages 261–273.
  • CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M., BUENO, A., GONZALEZ, R., JIMENEZ, E., & PEREZ, G. (2014). Dynamic impact on global supply chains performance caused by criminal disruptions. Journal of Applied Research & Technology, Vol. 12, No. 4, pages 684-694.
  • BUENO, A., & CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M. (2014). Dynamic impact on global supply chains performance of disruptions propagation produced by terrorist acts. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Elsevier, Volume 61, pages 1-12.
  • CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M., MARTÍNEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, A., VILLA-ARAUJO, J., & CANTU-SIFUENTES, M (2015). Service Supply Chains Performance Improvement Method: The Case of Supplier Selection in the Metallurgical Sector. Nova Scientia, Nº 14, Vol. 7 (2), ISSN 2007 – 0705, Pages 314 - 338.
  • OCHOA-ORTÍZ, A., ORNELAS-ZAPATA, F., MARGAIN-FUENTES, L., CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M., SÁNCHEZ-AGUILAR, J., & JARAMILLO-VACIO, R. (2015). Capacitated vehicle routing problem for PSS uses based on ubiquitous computing: An emerging markets approach. DYNA, No. 82, Vol. 191, pages 20-26.
  • MARMOLEJO-SAUCEDO, J., RODRÍGUEZ-AGUILAR, R., CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M. & SALAZAR-MARTÍNEZ, M. (2015). Technical efficiency of thermal power units through a stochastic frontier. DYNA, No. 82, Vol. 191, pages 63-68.
  • PÉREZ-SALAS, G., GONZÁLEZ-RAMÍREZ, R. & CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M. (2015). A framework to evaluate over-costs in natural resources logistics chains. DYNA, No. 82, Vol. 191, pages 85-92.
  • PÉREZ-SALAS, G., GONZÁLEZ-RAMÍREZ, R. & CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M. (2015). A framework to evaluate over-costs in natural resources logistics chains. DYNA, No. 82, Vol. 191, pages 85-92.
  • RENDON-SAGARDI, M., SANCHEZ-RAMIREZ, C., CORTES-ROBLES, G., ALOR-HERNANDEZ, G., & CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M. (2014). Dynamic analysis of feasibility in ethanol supply chain for biofuel production in Mexico. Applied Energy, Elsevier, Volume 123, 15 June 2014, Pages 358–367.
  • ALOR-HERNÁNDEZ, G., SÁNCHEZ-RAMÍREZ, C., CORTES-ROBLES, G., RODRÍGUEZ-GONZÁLE, A., GARCÍA-ALCARÁZ, J., & CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M. (2014). BROSEMWEB: A brokerage service for e-Procurement using Semantic Web Technologies. Computers in Industry, Elsevier, Volume 65, Issue 5, June 2014, Pages 828–840.
  • AVELAR-SOSA, L., CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M. & ADARME-JAIMES, W. (2014). Effects of regional infrastructure and offered services in the supply chains performance: Case Ciudad Juarez. DYNA, No. 81, Vol. 186, pages 208-217.
  • GONZÁLEZ-FELIU, J., CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M. & GARCÍA-ALCARAZ, J. (2014). An emission model as an alternative to O-D matrix in urban goods transport modelling. DYNA 81, Vol. 187, pp. 249-256.
  • CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M., DE LA RIVA-CANIZALES, J., BUENO-SOLANO, A., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J., & GARCÍA-ALCARAZ, J. (2014). Reliability in urban freight distribution: A Markovian approach. DYNA, No. 81, Vol. 186, pages 208-217.
  • CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M., & SANCHEZ, C. (2013). Dynamic Self-Assessment of Supply Chains Performance: an Emerging Market Approach. Journal of Applied Research & Technology, JART, Vol. 11, No. 3, pages 338-347.
  • CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M., & GUDIÑO, G. (2011). A Custom-Made Production System for Emerging Markets. In Spanish. INTERCIENCIA. Jun, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 456-462.
  • SANCHEZ, C., CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M., & PEREZ, P. (2011). Global Economic Crisis and Mexican Automotive Suppliers: Impacts on the Labor Capital. SIMULATION. Special Issue: Advances of Modeling & Simulation in Supply Chain and Industry, Jan., Vol 87, No. 8, pp.711-725. ISSN: 0037-5497.
  • CANTU, M., MARTINEZ, A., & CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M. (2010). A tool for improving performance of service supply chains operating in emerging markets context. International Journal of Applied Logistics, IGI Global. ISSN: 1947-9573.
  • CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M., & PEREZ, A. (2010). Hybrid supply chains in emerging markets: the case of the Mexican auto industry. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, May, Vol. 21, No.1, pp. 193-206. ISSN: 1012-277X.
  • CAMPOS, S., TORRES, L., & CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M. (2006). A Genetic Algorithm for Reassigning Work on the Assembly Line: A Real Scenario. Research in Computing Science, Nov, Vol. 23, pp. 17-29. ISSN 1470-9511.
  • CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M., SANCHEZ, J., & SANCHEZ. C. (2006). The new relational schemas of inter-firms cooperation: the case of the Coahuila automobile cluster in Mexico. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management (IJATM), INDERSCIENCE, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 406-418. 1470-9511. ISSN 1870-4069.